Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Renew (rank 7)

So life in the new server is quite busy. I somehow managed to leave the miserable cesspool that is known as Misha and remarkably not only made it into one of the highest rated progressive guilds in the server, but also was accepted as a full fledged raider. Normally I'd post some funny things with some awesome screenshots, but...eh effort. Next time. But here's a rundown:

-7/10 ICC 25 hardmodes (still working on this)
-10/12 ICC 10 hardmodes (wtb "Bane of the Fallen King" plox)
-Halion 10/25
-Ulduar hardmodes (yup, I have the drake and the ach)
-Weekly Sarth 3D runs (yay, I have my drake)
-more BiS' than you can shake a stick at (yup, first time in years I'm wearing leather)
-competent people?!? HUH? Is this possible?

Also, I've met a lot of pretty cool people in this guild. I'm really enjoying it here. More soon and a funnier post, I promise. ;-)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ah, I amuse myself. That is all. I will update soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Server Transfer

That's all. For now.

Monday, May 24, 2010

One more time, with feeling...

My apologies in advance for not having any fun pictures to accompany this post. After a wasted ICC 25 lockout (only 3/12. Fucking pa-the-tic!!!), the mushy-face couple screwing up my ICC 10 prog run (yup, still no Putricide), and a DK ninja, I've finally given my old realm the finger and left. Yes, that's right. I finally grew a set and transferred. So now I'm on this new server (still PvE, btw), and I'm doing things differently. No more GM crap for me or teaching lowbies/newbs how to play. It's 100% hardcore raiding. FINALLY. More to come soon. And a possible happy dance?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

E-couples part 2

If there is anything in the world that makes me want to go on a baby panda punching spree, it's reblogging about the same bullshit I blogged about previously. This blog was supposed to be about epeens, but noooooooooooooooo!!!

So, why am I once again pissy? Because last night's raid was essentially fucked because of our "lovely" kissy-face-diabetic-coma-vomit-inducing couple who decided not to show up. It sucks because they're a tank/healer combo. Damn them! So, instead of starting on time, we start 45 minutes late. It's usually not a big deal, but many of us had other raids scheduled or cancelled plans to simply be there. And yes, I gave up bar time in order to be there. I repeat--BAR TIME. Also, I'm out of vodka at home, so bar time is a huge fucking deal. Long story short, we had to find replacements which made us start late, which in turn seriously cut down on the amount of time we could spend per boss. During the last raid session, I had to endure this shit before each boss pull:

Hee hee, I took screenshots this time around. Instance #1 was right before Marrowgar. Not a good way to set the mood before getting down to business. Hell, I was trying to set a fun mood after setting down a fish feast. But that lovey shit put me in foul-ass mood. It wasn't a one time thing either! Instance #2 was right before Ugly Orc Fuckhead, erm...I mean, Saurfang. By that point I was starting to loose vision in my left eye from the saccharine dripping emotes in my chatbox...gangrene was starting to set into my left pinky toe....Yet the onslaught continued! Instance #3 was right before Rotface, where we not surprisingly wiped because the constant distraction and the tank's apparent inability to kite mobs. It must be nice to have a boyfriend that carries you through content.

Fast forward to last night. They don't show up, we run ridiculously late, and only manage to down Rotface and make 3 attempts on Putricide. THREE FUCKING ATTEMPTS!!!! Now, why so many attempts? Our main tank had to learn how to operate the abomination suit in the cuddle-monkey's absence, and our replacement off tank had not successfully tanked this fight previously (thankfully she learned quickly. yay.). One boss down and only 3 attempts on another makes me want to punch a baby seal right in the face.

Moral of the story--if you're not going to show up to a raid, message one of us. Otherwise, you're wasting the time of everyone involved and it's fucking rude. If you are going to dick around before a boss fight, at least make it amusing. Like so:

Like banishing the healer to the short bus...erm, boat. Or teabagging people that are AFK.

And THIS never gets old:


Entertainment is a must for these kinds of things. Otherwise, mind your shit lest you be prepared to be stabbed in the gooch with a rusted spork in the middle of the night by a half-rabid drunken nightelf coming after you screeching like Courtney Love only to meld back into the shadows after showing your no-no squares no mercy.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Okay, before I get into my rant I'd like to say that I'm genuinely happy for all of you that have found love/romance/whatever in whatever shape or form in whatever forum. Whether you found your significant other at the coffee shop, a bar, a class, eHarmony, or even on WoW, it doesn't matter, I am happy for you. I admit that I'm a bit lovelorn at the moment and miss the days of having an other (let alone a significant other), and may be just a tad jealous while writing this.

When I'm not running around killing various things that have the misfortune of crossing my path--scourge, demons, the Horde, random squirrel that looked at me funny, yellow NPC just because I can, etc...I'm usually running around Dalaran with my lock buddy. Sometimes it's a fun game of hide and seek where I devise more and more elaborate hiding spots to guarantee hours of his frustration (and my amusement):

And other times, well....let's just say that he's amused and I'm literally running around Dalaran. Yay, I hope you're happy. Also, this is further proof that Archmage Pants is right--warlocks are evil:

Just like in the real world or on Azeroth, occasionally I'll run into a couple. Usually this doesn't phase me as it is nothing more than a mere passing thought or a slight amusement. "Oh look, another couple. Yay misery!" I'd often think to myself. On some occasions, I'll even run to an adorably cute couple that melts away some of the darkness and cynicism in my shriveled black heart...erm....I think it's beating again.....hang on a sec.....lemme get this annoying thing to stop:

...ah that's better....Aren't they cute? It sometimes makes me want to kick the lock squaw in the taint and demand that he rerolls into something more cuddly. Giant kitty trumps smelly demons any day. I don't care how tight the felguard's ass is, I want a kitty!!! And believe me, I already tried that with a certain mage awhile back. So what does he do? Reroll as a tauren. /facepalm. Really, is it that strange that this warrior likes to cuddle? Nevermind...

Then there are times where I encounter "the couple". You've seen them everywhere, they're like Heidi and Spencer (although I really have no idea of whom they are or what they actually do, but for some reason they keep showing up on my newsfeeds) and are just plain fucking annoying. Yes, I know you're a couple. I don't care. No one cares.

Now there is one spot in Azeroth that is sacred, and that is the raid. Raids can be pretty intense and can be pretty stressful. Week after week you spend hours on simply getting to the boss that you will spend the next few days wiping. Repeatedly. Until either that fucker finally goes down or the Blizzgods beat him with the nerf bat. It is therefore not surprising that we all have our little mechanisms to relieve stress. I've seen people duel (risky, imho), play with vanity pets or costumes, or run in circles. Personally I prefer reliving happy childhood memories of Teldrassil:

So the last thing that I need while I'm in either "ZOMFG KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES AND BATHE IN THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES!!!"-mode or "ZOMFG KILL THIS THING ALREADY IT'S DENTING MY ARMOR!!!!"-mode is to be subjected to shit like this:


Okay, I admit that I don't have a screenshot, but I was too busy trying not to vomit while tanking to take one. Long story short, our other tank and her beau (with really sickeningly cutesy matching names /hurl) spent the entire raid emoting hugs, kisses, love, and otherwise vomit-inducing terms of affection. Thankjesuspolevaultingchrist that they didn't start erping in the middle of the raid. Well, as far as I know they didn't. Ugh.../shudder. Thankfully it didn't effect our raid's performance by much. But still! OMFG get a room!!! NO NO!!! NOT THIS ONE!!!!

In all fairness, I've played with a number of couples. Hell, I was even a part of one myself. However, there is one glaring aspect that separates us from the annoying face-suckers that distract me while I'm in the middle of grabbing adds and that is the expression of affection and the proper forum in which to do it. Save the vast majority of that for where it matters, in real life. Granted there is nothing wrong with showing a bit of affection here or there in game, but please either keep that to pm's or the occasional emote. Please do NOT flood my chat screen with your bullshit.

To all you cute couples out there, good for you. Just keep that shit quiet while I'm trying to raid. It's distracting.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Performance Anxiety

I admit it, I'm on probably the shittiest of the US servers. Actually, my battlegroup is pretty miserable all around for the Alliance-side of things. For the longest time I've endured dealing with subpar players and enjoyed the challenge of downing content with people who normally would never set foot in such a place in any other server. It was always a challenge and a great way to personally stand out and shine.

Recently, things haven't been so great. I'm not QQing about it, but the overall experience has been so terribly frustrating that I'm more than likely going to transfer my main onto another server. This will be new and exciting. I haven't been the "new girl" in quite some time, and skill-wise, I'd like to see where I really am. Of the friends that I've made on my server (that I've called home for about 4 years now), there are very few that I will really miss. But as I leave you all, I must say this, "L2P nub!!!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Death to DKs!!!

Like everyone, I was excited when death knights (aka dks, deathtards, deathnoobs, or fucktards in general) were introduced to the game. Like most people, I rolled one just to try them out. After about a day or two playing the class, I grew very bored and weary of the toon--just like the vast majority of the people who have a dk. Why? Because with all of the things in which dks are capable, there are other classes that simply do the same thing so much better.

1. Tanking. To quote trade chat from the other night, "DK tanks are for people who DON'T know how to tank." I'm going to have to agree with that. Granted, there are some dk tanks who can tank, they typically have obtained that skill from playing either a warrior/pally/druid. Overall, the vast majority of dk tanks cannot tank--maintain adequate threat, hold aggro, or even use the overpowered crowd controlled abilities so lovingly gifted to their class. I've honestly have only seen one dk use death grip accordingly (i.e. a mob runs loose and attacks the healer).

2. DPS. Gone are the days of facerolling maximum dps. Thank you Blizz for that! It was frustrating for all classes to execute our respective rotations that we have so painstakingly taken the time to perfect (and figure out), only to see some jackass hit top dps by having an epileptic seizure on the keyboard. Downside--they are now more gear dependent. If I hated sharing gear with them before, believe me I do now!

3. Gear. See above. It was bad enough that fury warriors had to share most of our gear with ret pallies, but now..../shudder. Also, there seems to be a general lack of understanding towards gearing their toons and understanding the dynamics of gearing other classes. For example, far too many times have I been outrolled (on a need roll, no less) by a deathtard for gear that does not apply to their class.

4. Ninjas. Remember the days when most ninjas were rogues? Granted it sucked, but it made sense lore-wise with their class. It seems that dks have taken their place. To continue from #3's point, I've had dks need on practically EVERY roll. In one dungeon, I had one dk in particular ninja a bow from a hunter, shoulders from a pally, and a shield. Our group tried kicking him during the first roll, but for some reason the damn vote to kick thing didn't work...and I really needed the badges...damn. This certainly illustrates a huge problem in the need before greed system. According to the parameters set by the game, a dk should NOT have been able to roll need on either the shield or ranged item, but some how they did. An easy solution would be to fix that particular mechanism, but I have an easier one--just get rid of the damn class.

5. Rudeness and inability to play their class. I could go on for days on this one, but in a nutshell--facerolling and unnecessary shit-talking.

For all the dks out there that know how to play their class and are courteous, I'm sorry you have to be associated with such asshats. It's not fair to you, but as for the rest of your class, they're really not being fair to the rest of us.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lokes the Patient

If there is one thing that I usually cannot stand, it's the random "know-it-all" asshat that ruins a run by their incessant nagging. Yes, sometimes a player could use a little advice or encouragement to do things differently if their current setup isn't working. But all and all, unless the group is failing miserably--let it go. If you have the misfortune of being grouped with an arms warrior that is wearing nothing but PvP gear and insists on tanking, then by all means speak up or leave the group and take the debuff. Just don't be rude about it. "WTF, THE TANK IS AN UNDERGEARED NOOB!!!" is unacceptable. Instead suggest that perhaps the current dungeon might be fairly difficult with the tanks current gear. You'd be surprised as to how far politeness can get you in-game. Another issue I've encountered is holding aggro, or the lack thereof and the associated impatience. For all intents and purposes, in this discussion we're going to assume a tank can produce adequate threat. If a single mob comes loose from the tank for whatever reason, don't assume that the tank can't hold aggro especially if it only happens once or twice. Help the tank (and the healer) in these situations. If it happens multiple times, then perhaps DPS needs to pull back and stop taking aggro from the tank. I know it sucks, but it may be necessary, especially if the tank isn't highly geared. And since we're on the subject--do us all a favor and turn OFF Recount. The next mage or dk that I get stuck with that insists on reporting Recount after EVERY (or any) fight is getting stabbed with a rusty spoon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Left in the dust

I hate leveling. In fact, who doesn't? The grind from 1-80 is a real pain in the ass with a fresh toon on any server. Without having the benefit of a previous level 80 for heirloom gear or other benefits (including Recruit-a-friend), the long arduous journey can be quite frustrating. Back in the days of the Burning Crusade, I remember being a lv65 and being able to run some of the higher level, but not endgame content, yet none of the lv70's in my guild were interested in running with me. Farming badges and obtaining better gear were always a top priority. Even when I finally hit lv70, the gear I had still wasn't good enough to run most of the endgame content, and yet again, I was left in the dust. Needless to say, this left me feeling very frustrated and left behind. Akin to the adult version of playground exclusivity--"You're wearing THAT? Sorry, you can't play with us." And for some strange reason, it hurt just as bad in the virtual world as it did in the real one. So when I finally left my former guild and formed my own I vowed not to be an elitist asshat and to help others with leveling and eventual gearing. Why? Because I remember just how frustrating it was to be so very alone in a very group-dependent game.

Granted, it is possible to completely solo levels 1-80, but where's the fun in that? Especially when you are a member of a guild of supposed "friends" that have agreed to help you be the best player you can be. So then, how does one handle this situation when the people involved are also your friends in real life?

My current guild consists of people that I know in both RL and friends that I have made in-game. Because of our collective experiences, we have a rule that requires the higher levels to help out the lower levels and we provide incentives when doing so (extra DKP). This way no one is really "forced" to drop what they are doing and help the lower levels, but at the same time it encourages those who normally wouldn't be inclined to do so. Typically when I am online, I do not notice that this is an issue. I am typically quick to help out others because of my experiences, but today while taking a day off to deal with RL matters, I found out from another guildie (who is still leveling, btw) that his requests to run lower level content were completely ignored and he was literally left behind by his lv80, geared guildies. Unfortunately, one of those guildies is a RL friend of our guildmate. To say the least, I would have expected better from this person. And at the very least, I'm severely disappointed with regards to this situation. Officer meeting anyone?