Like everyone, I was excited when death knights (aka dks, deathtards, deathnoobs, or fucktards in general) were introduced to the game. Like most people, I rolled one just to try them out. After about a day or two playing the class, I grew very bored and weary of the toon--just like the vast majority of the people who have a dk. Why? Because with all of the things in which dks are capable, there are other classes that simply do the same thing so much better.
1. Tanking. To quote trade chat from the other night, "DK tanks are for people who DON'T know how to tank." I'm going to have to agree with that. Granted, there are some dk tanks who can tank, they typically have obtained that skill from playing either a warrior/pally/druid. Overall, the vast majority of dk tanks cannot tank--maintain adequate threat, hold aggro, or even use the overpowered crowd controlled abilities so lovingly gifted to their class. I've honestly have only seen one dk use death grip accordingly (i.e. a mob runs loose and attacks the healer).
2. DPS. Gone are the days of facerolling maximum dps. Thank you Blizz for that! It was frustrating for all classes to execute our respective rotations that we have so painstakingly taken the time to perfect (and figure out), only to see some jackass hit top dps by having an epileptic seizure on the keyboard. Downside--they are now more gear dependent. If I hated sharing gear with them before, believe me I do now!
3. Gear. See above. It was bad enough that fury warriors had to share most of our gear with ret pallies, but now..../shudder. Also, there seems to be a general lack of understanding towards gearing their toons and understanding the dynamics of gearing other classes. For example, far too many times have I been outrolled (on a need roll, no less) by a deathtard for gear that does not apply to their class.
4. Ninjas. Remember the days when most ninjas were rogues? Granted it sucked, but it made sense lore-wise with their class. It seems that dks have taken their place. To continue from #3's point, I've had dks need on practically EVERY roll. In one dungeon, I had one dk in particular ninja a bow from a hunter, shoulders from a pally, and a shield. Our group tried kicking him during the first roll, but for some reason the damn vote to kick thing didn't work...and I really needed the badges...damn. This certainly illustrates a huge problem in the need before greed system. According to the parameters set by the game, a dk should NOT have been able to roll need on either the shield or ranged item, but some how they did. An easy solution would be to fix that particular mechanism, but I have an easier one--just get rid of the damn class.
5. Rudeness and inability to play their class. I could go on for days on this one, but in a nutshell--facerolling and unnecessary shit-talking.
For all the dks out there that know how to play their class and are courteous, I'm sorry you have to be associated with such asshats. It's not fair to you, but as for the rest of your class, they're really not being fair to the rest of us.
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