Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Noble Garden (Easter) Wreath

Here's some more shots of the Easter/Noble Garden wreath from the last post. Two things about it:

1. I wanted to do something festive for the holiday.
2. It had to use Alliance blue.
3. It had to ultimately use the peacock palette. Because why the hell not?
4. Have the feeling that I had to fight the rest of the server for those damn eggs a la Noble Garden!
5. Be pretty. :-P

Here are some more shots:


Okay, I admit it--I've been slacking. It's been a bit difficult keeping up with posting as I've been busy with other endeavors (*cough*Pinterest*COUGH*). In many respects, I rarely pug these days, and I primarily do LFR for amusement. I've been keeping mainly to myself or interacting with the guild. So long story short, I've been in this little microcosom as of late and haven't had much to talk about.

With Blizzcon 2012 not happening this year, I've pretty much have put some of my cosplay efforts on the back burner. I'm still working on costumes, but not as much as I have been previously. Instead, I've been spending that time pursuing other crafting efforts. Well, that and moving. Moving certainly has helped kick things into crafting overdrive, as I now have a large house to fill with stuff!!! Crafting = affordable awesome decor! /win. And because I'm a geek, and this is a WoW-related blog, I'm pretty sure you know where this is going. Tee hee.

Here are some of my efforts:

Conjured Fel Croissants

Cuz stuffz from the Twisting Nether is deliciously evil...erm, tasty!

This is pretty simple to make-- just spread Garden Veggie Schmear (Einstein's Bros. cream cheese), crumbled gorgonzola, shredded salami, and Shayne's Sauce's Texas Peach Pineapple Haberno jam (for that extra kick) onto the croissants, and roll like normal. Here I used the large, buttery croissants from Pillsbury. Very tasty!

Lion and Nobel Garden Egg Wreath

First off: BOOM, bunny ears! Second, yes I have a lion guarding my front door. Yes, I like to pretend it's one from Stormwind. Bite me, I play Alliance. :-P

More to come!