Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rules for a Fury Warrior to live (or die) by

So the other day I was running around Stormwind minding my own business when a group of guildies give me (arguably) the best compliment I've received since joining, "Lokes, you are by FAR one of the best fury warriors out there." Well, thank you. :-) Now that's something that I don't exactly hear every day, and I had to know why. Long story short--"you know how to play your class".


I hit things with two very large objects. In the case illustrated above, a tree and a bear. Is there really more to fury than that? Oh yea...besides making this look good, there's much more than it seems in being a successful fury warrior.

So apparently many fury warriors don't quite understand the basics of playing this spec beyond bringing the Rampage buff into the group and hitting things repeatedly. I personally believe that many of these mistakes stem from a lack of knowledge or understanding from certain game mechanics. To summarize, here is a nice set of rules that one must follow as a fury warrior:

1. Don't stand in front of the boss/mob. Are you the tank? NO. Not only will your dps be substantially better, you'll also do your healers a favor by not having to heal you as much as the tank. A happy healer is an effective healer. An unhappy healer = dead fury warrior.
2. Understand your stat priorities. There are many excellent resources out there that have this information available. Having a full knowledge and understanding of what makes a fury warrior allows you to hit things. Hard. Repeatedly. Which brings me to my next point...
3. Don't roll on gear unless you can actually use it. Yea, that epic BP has more strength on it than the one you currently have equipped, but fury doesn't use dodge or parry...ever.
4. Be proactive and smart about playing. Yea we don't "use intellect" and are the "rawr smash" spec, but there's much more to it. Understanding certain game mechanics and utilizing your abilities to counter said mechanics makes you that much better of a player. For example: if it has a cast bar, interrupt it; if it's going really fast and chasing you, run away and throw Piercing Howl; if it's eating the tank alive on damage, throw Demoralizing Shout, etc...Also, if you're surrounded by Horde in WSG and you're the FC in flag room, and they're blocking your path to the cap point, for the love of everything that is holy--Heroic Leap into base and cap! Not that I speak from experience... XD
5. Always interrupt whenever possible. I can't stress that enough. If it has a cast bar, use Pummel. Oh, and spec into Rude Interruption if you haven't done so already.
6. Don't AOE unless absolutely necessary. That sheep is there for a reason, don't Whirlwind near it.
7. Attack what the tank is attacking. This way you don't pull aggro on a mob that barely has the tank's attention and get roflpwnd.
8. Don't pull aggro. We don't have terribly many aggro dumps. Let the tank grab initial aggro and then go wild. But if you're doing more dps than the tank can hold aggro, back off. Stop hitting the mob. Seriously. Stop.
9. Avoid fire at all costs. This goes for anything that hurts--fire, void zones, pools of poison and crud, etc... Just don't stand in it. If you're not sure if you're not supposed to stand it look at your health. Is it plummeting? Do you have a debuff? If the answer is "yes" to either. Don't stand in it.
10. Pay attention. A lot of damage is avoidable. Knowing how to position yourself and having good situational awareness will keep you alive throughout the encounter. Is there a fire-breathing dragon? Stand behind it. Are their fireballs falling to the ground? Don't stand in them. Are their mobs that do AOE damage when they die? Don't be there.
11. Have fun. This is most important. Don't expect to be super-pro-leet-w/e fury warrior all the time or immediately. We all have bad days, we all make mistakes, and it takes time and experience to be really good at this game (or anything for that matter). If it's no longer fun, you're doing it wrong.

WotLK review

We've come to the conclusion of yet another expansion. Here's a quick run down of what we've accomplished:

  • 11/12 ICCH (10/25)
  • meta drakes for both ICC (10/25) and Ulduar (10/25)--yes, I have all four drakes
  • Ended the expansion as #7
  • Halion down (10/25)
  • Got Kingslayer for my priest....and yea, I healed my ASS off for that.
The expansion ended on quite the high note with a number of things accomplished. Cataclysm here we come!